Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Surprising Places Germs Are Hiding In Your Home

As much as you clean your home, there are some places where our biggest enemies, the germs are hiding and avoiding all those detergents we use to destroy them so we can have a save and clean place for us and our families. Germs like cold viruses and bacteria can live in some unexpected spots. These small organisms, too small to see without magnification, invade humans, animals, and other living hosts.

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Their growth and reproduction within their hosts can cause a disease. “Germ” may refer to a virus, bacterium, protist, fungus, or prion. Microorganisms that cause disease are called pathogens, and the diseases they cause are called infectious diseases. Even when a pathogen is the principal cause of a disease, environmental and hereditary factors often influence the severity of the disease, and whether a particular host individual becomes infected when exposed to the pathogen. Germs are everywhere, they are in your home right now. In optimal conditions, certain bacteria can divide every 20 minutes, spreading rapidly where they dwell. But, don’t get scared, it is so easy to get rid of these enemies of our health. Soap and water or bleach and water, maybe disinfecting wipes…With these simple weapons, the battle against germs can be won, all you need to do is find out where there are hiding and destroy them in just few minutes. In the kitchen, in the toilet, in your makeup bags, lap tops, TV remotes, brushes…germs are all around us, so you better get rid of them!

Knobs, Handles, and Switches

We use them all the time, but how often you walk around in your home and wipe off doorknobs, cabinet handles, and light switches? They are full with germs and we touch them all the time without washing out hands after. So, to keep you and your family save, once a week, give them an once-over using disinfecting wipes—and don’t use the same wipe for more than a few places before grabbing a fresh one.

Makeup Bag

Ladies be aware your bags with makeup and cosmetic are full of germs. Makeup applicators have nooks, crannies, and bristles which are perfect place for microorganisms to hide. If you don’t clean them, those germs can lead to skin and eye infections. Regular soap and water is fine for cleaning most applicators, but you can use alcohol on the brushes. And do that more often.

Your Toothbrush

You use it at least twice a day, but do you ever think of all the germs lurking on it? Toothbrushes are heaven for the germs because of the moist area and they can easily grow on it. A plethora of bacteria, germs, fungi and viruses can live quite happily in your toothbrush for months.  In fact, scientists have found more than 10 million bacteria living in a single toothbrush.  As these lingering microorganisms multiply, they can compromise your oral health and can actually lead to other health problems in your body. To keep save, you need to clean it regularly and replace it more often.

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Even though they’re meant to help us clean the home, in fact, sponges are among the dirtiest, most bacteria-ridden objects in the home. A sponge that’s wet with food and kitchen-counter germs is an ideal breeding-ground for bacteria that can cause food-borne illnesses. When you wipe down the kitchen countertop, those germs – E. coli and salmonella – spread all over the kitchen. For really clean home use paper towels or dishcloths that you use only once or you can wash it in a washing machine.


Did you know that you are not the only one resting on your soft and cozy pillow? The truth is that you share your pillow with a lot of germs and dust mites, which are the most common cause of non-seasonal allergies and asthma. Dust mites feed on flakes of human skin, which can be found deep within your pillows. To lessen their effect, use zippered, dust proof pillow covers and wash them frequently.

The Electronics in your Home

Did you know that, on average, an office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet seat? The reason for that is that the toilet is cleaned regularly, but how often you clean the remote controls, computer keyboards, phones, and iPods, which get touched way more than the toilet? They are also shared by multiple family members and guests, yet they are cleaned less often. You can find component-specific cleaning supplies at electronics stores. However, most disinfecting wipes are safe for electronics—just make sure to read the label before using them.

The Surprising Places Germs Are Hiding In Your Home

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