Friday, January 23, 2015

Easy Vegetable Seed Sowing Guide


Growing your own vegetables is so rewarding. You have total control of the process and can be certain that what you eat is healthy and safe. And it is easy if you know what, when and where to sow!

Most veggies are easy to grow even by beginners. Of course, different vegetables require different conditions. This is why you should plan the sowing and growing carefully. To make things easier for you, we are sharing useful tips on how to sow and grow the most popular vegetables out there.

Usually the sowing of the vegetables starts when the weather gets warmer which is around March, depending on the climate and the year of course. It is probably the best to wait for April especially if you are sowing for the first time. For those who want to sow outside, in the garden choosing the right vegetables is very important. Try carrots, turnips, beetroot, lettuces, rocket, radishes, broccoli, calabrese, cauliflower, kale, brussels sprouts, leeks, leaf beet and spring onions. If you have weeds, than sowing in pots and trays is a smarter choice. March/April is the perfect time to sow brassica crops, lettuces, leeks, beans and peas. If you have a greenhouse consider summer salads, French beans and herbs.

beets-366560_1280When May comes the weather is already nice and warm and you can sow lots of vegetables. If you have already done the job in March/April your veggies might have already started to grow so prepare for weeding! Besides the crops we have mentioned for the previous two months, for outside sowing you can add herbs, summer salads, fennel and sweetcorn (only if the weather and soil are warm). If you can place your trays and pots somewhere warm you can sow courgettes, squashes, cucumbers and melons this month as well.

June is the last month to sow summer crops. Keep your courgettes, squashes, cucumbers and melons in pots and trays and add some oriental salads (mizuna, mibuna, mustard greens etc) to your garden.

July and August are the months when your vegetables will grow the most. They will need plenty of sunshine. but also enough rain to grow perfectly. This doesn’t mean you should stop sowing! Now is the time to start sowing vegetables for the winter and the beginning of the next year. For outside, sow winter radishes and swedes, oriental greens (mizuna, mibuna, komatsuna, mustard greens etc) and turnip greens, spring cabbage (from late July), bunching and spring onions.

The last sowing can be done in September/October. These includes winter salads and greens in the ground, bunching onions and broad beans and hardy peas. Also it is time to think about protecting your crops over the winter.

The end of the year is for tidying up your garden and getting it ready for the new year. You can still plant garlic outside just make sure you choose the biggest cloves. And don’t forget composting!

Before deciding which vegetables to choose and when to start sowing check out our easy “Sow What?” guide that includes when to start indoors and move outside the most popular plants for sowing in Spring:


Easy Vegetable Seed Sowing Guide

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